
Want to join


There are many ways you can get involved.


To start with, you can share your skills. At different stages in the projects, we'll need different trades, skills and crafts to work with us. We're all about supporting and growing local business, and paying fairly for it. Please fill out this form and we'll keep you in mind for future work.

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If you want to pitch in, but are not sure how your skills apply, fill out this form here, tell us a little more about yourself, and what you could see yourself doing. We'll need as many hands as we can get to meet to our ambitious plan, and will be in touch to schedule volunteering days.

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Have educational goods, materials, games, toys to offer? Please fill in this form and help us meet some of our material needs.

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Looking to partner as part of your corporate social responsibility, or to part with some of your money for a good cause? Click here to be in touch about charitable events, and here to make your pledge.

Join Us

We appreciate your interest in supporting us.

Asante sana in advance!